

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mommy, Let's get married

I took these pictures yesterday while we were at Watters Creek in Allen. It was soooooooooo cold. Quite a shock considering it was 70 something degrees the day before. We were out there because a friend of mine is trying to start a photography business, and needed to build her portfolio, so I volunteered my kiddos. It's great to have someone else take thier pics LOL...

So after it was over we were walking around and Joshua decided to pick me a flower and ask me to marry me. He starts performing the ceremony. He says, "Mommy, will you marry me? I picked you flower, now give me a hug and a kiss." and then that was that. ... boys are so sweet...I don't know what I did to deserve such a sweet son, but I am so blessed. I know one day, his little heart will be smitten by another young lady, and he won't always want hugs and kisses from me, but for now he does and I will enjoy this time with him while he still thinks I am the best 'it'.

Still trying to give me kisses...

He has picked this flower for me to wear in my hair....